without walls sermon notes 

Without Walls Without Walls

Pray Through

The importance of persistence in prayer and the value of intercession. Jesus in the garden couldn’t rely on disciples, he needed to pray through. Like Peter, either pray through or die/deny. There are somethings in life that only you can achieve victory over in prayer. You either get the victory in prayer or you die.

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Without Walls Without Walls

Our Priestly Ministry

As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:4-5

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Without Walls Without Walls

Glory & Shaking

Christ is overall. But generally speaking, that is not openly manifest. Breakthroughs, miracles, and salvations give us a glimpse, but these point to a greater reality. Revival is when the Father gives a season where the victory and supremacy of Christ is known to everybody. It openly manifest - Jesus IS exalted at the right-hand

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Without Walls Without Walls

Peace & Joy in Extreme Times

The Kingdom and the will of its King is to be experienced through peace and joy. We can measure things that are truly spiritual by the peace and joy we feel. Our reason and intellect will often guide us down the path of caution, but peace and joy can keep us steady down the most narrow road.

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Without Walls Without Walls

An Invitation to Intimacy

All the names of God revealed in scripture are invitations into communion with a Person. The same can be said of the blessed promises. When we declare our promises and rights without intimacy, we fall into ‘form without power’. We can make a lot of noise, but nothing actually changes, because we are not operating out of relationship.

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Without Walls Without Walls

Marked For Beauty

We are in a time of increased disruption and shaking. This is a sign of the Lord’s appearing. As the Lord’s return approaches, everything shakes, for everything must bow to the King of glory. Only at these times do those involved in the foundational work truly appreciate what was done and invested into.

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weekly notes