our prophetic history
We value how the Lord has lead us for the past 20 years. Here are some of the key moments that have shaped who we are as a Ministry and community.
2003 Beginnings
The foundations of Without Walls were laid some forty years ago in 1981 when New Day Ministries was born. New Day saw a wonderful move of God and impacted many lives, where Phil was the senior minister until 2000, then moving into a season of iterate ministry.
On the back of a growing itinerant ministry and a core team hungry for the presence of God, Without Walls officially commenced in July 2003. The first monthly Celebration Service was held in a function room at Bentley Technical Park, and due to growth moved to the South Perth Civic Centre. Friday night meetings "The Well" commenced in September and also ran monthly. The launch year also saw the first of many Glory Camps held in campgrounds around the City.

The central scripture used to direct the young ministry was Zechariah 2:4-5
“Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls, because of the multitude of men and livestock in it. 'For I,’ says the Lord, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst. ”
Deep in the heart of these exciting times was the simple desire to follow the Holy Spirit, collaborating in ministry with Him, constantly expectant of miracles, signs and wonders. It was very clear to us from the outset of 2003 that this particular work that God had called us into would require a new pattern of doing things. God told us to be open, flexible and spontaneous.
2007 Overseas Missions
In 2007 Without Walls commenced providing support to missions overseas in India and eventually overseas ministries in other nations including Uganda and Cambodia.
Since 2005 a total $700,000 has been given to overseas missions.
2008 Urban Outreach & Cafe
In August 2008, the corner building of Lake and Newcastle Street in Northbridge was leased as a combined administration, café and ministry base, known as the ‘Little Bird Cafe’ After 11 years of wonderful outreach, the cafe business was sold in August 2019.
2008 - 2010 Growing Meetings
The Well went from monthly meetings to every week in 2008 with many being blessed through the ministry of Pastors Phil & Jeannette and the growing WW ministry team.
In 2010 a Community Sunday Service was started on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Without Walls was now meeting every Friday for the Well, every Wednesday and twice a month on Sundays.
2011 Outreach/Free to Live
The Free to Live Northbridge event took over from the annual Tent Crusades. It was a Christian festival of music and outreach that took place in the centre of Northbridge and saw many lives helped and changed.
There were booths for healing and prophetic ministry, promotion of welfare organisations and also food and gifts for sale.
2012 - 2020 RAW Church
RAW started in September 2012 upstairs at the Little Bird Café. Raw Church combined worship, impacting testimonies, messages and outreach in the streets of Northbridge, proving to be a significant ministry where many people came to come to faith.
2012 The Bridge
In August 2011 a discipleship home (Joshua House) was acquired in Victoria Park to accommodate young men who needed support and a safe environment to overcome personal issues.
This was the beginning of The Bridge Inc, a residential support service for men (Cyrus House) and women (Naomi House) and continues to expand.
2015 The Without Walls Network
The Without Walls Network started early 2015 in response to a number of pastors desiring connection with Ps Phil and meeting periodically for breakfast fellowship. The network evolved over time to include regional Wells in Australind and Rockingham and other affiliated ministries.
2016 Ps Phil's Graduation
In July 2016 Pastor Phil Howell was promoted to glory after a period of illness.
In 2018 the Phil Howell Memorial Scholarship commenced to provide financial resource for those seeking training at Bible College or other establishments. This was in response to Pastor Phil’s heart for people to be trained up to reach the world around them.
2017 Ps. Jeannette Continues
Jeannette Howell continued on as the Senior Pastor to lead the church and continue the ministry direction.
2017 The Bridge Centre
In 2017 Without Walls leased the old Post Office building in East Victoria Park. We were led to turn it into The Bridge Centre - A centre of outreach, street ministry and helps. The building was completely renovated with much work undertaken. After completion the facility was handed over to Joan & Gordon Sutherland and the work continues today as ‘The Haven'.
2017 Joins HIM Network
Without Walls joined the Harvest International Mission (HIM) network, headed by Che Ahn.
2019 - 2020 Change in the Air
2019 was a significant year of much change and recalibration, Assistant Pastors Ashley & Hilary McArtney were appointed.
During the Covid-19 shutdown of 2020 we moved out from the Macedonian Centre and roamed the inner suburbs of Perth hiring community halls for our meetings.
The Altar of Worship and Prayer commenced on the 19th June 2020.
2021 Macedonian Centre Return
2020 was also marked by an escalation in prayer and fasting for a permanent home base. On December 5-6-7-8 as an answer to prayer, God suddenly opened the doors for the Macedonian Community Centre. We received possession of the entire upper level of this facility on January 2021. Prophetically we see this is a parallel to Abraham’s journey and return to Bethel as described in the Old Testament scriptures.

A message from Ps. Jeannette Howell
“As a Church community, we continue to move into our future with great expectancy knowing that God is faithful to complete what He has started in Without Walls. The Lord is building His Kingdom and raising up a Glorious Church in these times, a people who are being conformed to the image of Jesus, led by the power of the Holy Spirit and bringing Honour and Glory to God the Father. We are hungry for more and determined to pursue the Lord and His Presence in our times together either in worship, prayer, fellowship or in our ministry to others. It’s all to Him, all about Him and all for Him!”
Eph 1:12 To the praise of His Glory!

Our Vision
Read more about our Church history and the foundations of Without Walls