“ Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns Without Walls, because of the multitude of men and livestock in it. For I,’ says the Lord, ‘Will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be The Glory in her midst ”
We love, pursue and gather around the presence of God, He is the reason why we meet. He is the Fire all around us and the Glory in our midst. He changes us, instructs us and sends us out.
Prayer and Worship are our central expressions of communion and life with the Lord. They welcome the manifest presence of God, releasing His life-giving power and glory.
Our God and Father through Christ Jesus has made us to be His sons and daughters. We are led by the Holy Spirit into relationship, authority, power and inheritance enjoying the freedom and liberty as loved sons and daughters of our heavenly Father.
We are a community of grace and mercy, treasuring the liberty of the Holy Spirit. We value authentic leadership, relationship and expressions of worship. Our heart is to embrace people with God’s love, breaking down the barriers of tradition and prejudice.
Revival starts in our hearts with pure devotion and obedience to Jesus Christ. This produces passion and positions us for a sovereign move of the power and presence of God, where His Glory is manifest in our community and in the nations.
We are commissioned by Jesus to take the Gospel to the unsaved and make disciples, as led by the Spirit of God.

Read more about our Church history and the foundations of Without Walls